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Chapter - V - Utility Tools : Table

a. Insert Table:

We can create table in a page by choosing table option in the insert menu. There select insert or draw table option in the table option of insert menu.In the insert table option specify the number of rows and columns you want to put in a table , select OK , table will be created. 

 Figure for insert table

There the vertical partitions are known as columns and horizontal  partitions are known as rows. The intersection of rows and columns are known as cell. In a table for adding a new row or column along with the existing table put the cursor at the right position and select the options like insert column to the left or right and insert row above or below in the layout menu.In order to delete the unnecessary rows and column in a table select delete row, delete column, delete cell and delete table option in the layout menu.

 Figure for deleting row and column in a  table

To covert multiple number of cells into a single cell , select the cells the first , go to layout menu and choose merge cells option . In order to divide the cells further row and column wise , put the cursor at the right position and select split cells option in the layout menu.

 Figure for cell merging in a  table

 In a blank page we will get three positions to align the data, i.e left, center and right alignment. Where as inside a cell we will get nine different positions to align the data. That is left top corner,right top corner, top middle, left bottom corner,right bottom corner , bottom middle ,left middle, right middle and center of the cell.All these options can be found out in the layout menu .

 Figure for cell alignment in a  table

We can change the direction of the text inside a cell from top to bottom, bottom to top etc by selecting changing text direction option in the layout menu.

 Figure for changing text direction in a  table

While create a table by choosing draw table option it is natural that the row height and column width are uneven. To make all the rows and column equal height wise and width wise choose distribute rows and column option in the layout menu.

 Figure for draw table
In order to arrange the data inside a table choose sort option in the layout menu and select sort ascending or descending order .

To get the sum total , average numbers , total number, highest number and lowest number  select formula option in the layout menu.

To convert the table into text mode , choose convert to text option in the layout menu. Similarly to convert text to table , choose convert text to table option in the insert table option.

For changing the table border colour, its width and style choose the pen colour , width and table style option in the design menu.

 Figure for changing the design of a table

We can also erase the row and column partition individually by selecting erase tool in the design menu.

b. Equation :

In Microsoft word we can very well write down an equation easily. For this  go to the Insert menu and there select equation tool. By activating the tool , you will get the equation editor tool at the top of the screen.  

Figure for Equation Editor

Below I am describing the process of how to write an equation.

For this in the Equation Editor tool first choose super script layout, then put the equal to sign, next select the large operative layout where at the top write down n, at the bottom write down k=0, next choose the bracket layout , inside which choose two into empty matrix boxes in the matrix layout and write down n at the top and k at the bottom and finally select superscript layout again two times and write down the data s required.

Figure for steps of equation writing

c. Object:

It is a process of importing some other programme files to the current programme as it is. Suppose you are in word and there you want to do some calculation ,like summation,subtraction,multiplication and division. For this open word file first , go to insert menu and chose object command. Next chose the name of the programme that is Microsoft Excel . You will see the main file in word format , but the layout given below is of Microsoft Excel. So it is understood , you are in word but presently working in excel. Do the necessary job there. Go outside the table. And you are in Word again. If you want to do some modification , then press left button of your mouse twice over the job and will be in excel again. Do the necessary modification there and press mouse outside and go back to word again .  

Figure for Object command 
d. Drop Cap:

It is a process of making the first character of the sentence  bigger  than the rest of the characters in the same paragraph. For this , select the first letter of the sentence first , go to insert menu and there choose drop cap option. Inside which go to drop cap options and select dropped or margin option. Set the number of lines to drop.Press OK and the first character will be bigger than the others in a natural way.

Figure for Drop Cap setting
e. Text Box:

The Text Box is a rectangular or a square shape tool inside which we can write down some text. Its main function is it is 100% flexible and mouldable ; it has nothing to do with your paper margin or size or orientation . It means after writing down the text inside the text box it can be moved to anywhere of the easily.  It means by using tool we can reach anywhere of the page. For this go to insert menu , select text box and from there choose draw text box option. And draw the text box of your size. For any sort of editing job there select the text box and choose format tool inside which we can get various editing tool for text box only like fill , outline, shape  etc.
Figure for drawing text box


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